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Brett Atherton. The current time is . This page was last updated on March 24, 2002.

Brett Atherton

Mail BrettBrett Atherton. Well, he's very tall, very thin, and very odd. He's got a bizarre artistic style. He's an avid comic book cartoonist.

My first impression of brett is from the fourth grade. He popped his head into the classroom, his pale blue eyes peering in timidly. He had moved here from Cleveland. We became fast friends.

Although his stats have gone down from years of incessant smoking, there was a time when Brett could play some decent hoops. He's still a decent player, but he gets winded quickly.

Brett belongs to a band called The Indestrucible Robots. I've seen the band play many times, but I still couldn't tell you Brett's role.

Since Brett currently has no computer or email address, I can't direct any fan mail his way.

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