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Brian Atherton. The current time is . This page was last updated on March 24, 2002.

Brian Atherton

Like many of my friends, Brian Atherton likes to give the impression of being a dark brooding man. For Brian, it's not just an impression. He's dark, but in a kind sort of way. Sort of. Actually, take that back. He's the epitomy of evil. EEEE-VILLE, I should say.

I first knew Brian as a bully. When I was younger he used to pick on his brother Brett. Brett was closer to my age, so I always saw Brian as the big abuser.

After I got older, I got to know Brian more. He's not a mean person afterall. Big brothers are supposed to pick on younger siblings. It's not a sign of meanness.

Brian is heavily into martial arts. I recommend you not mess with him. That is especially true for Jehovah's Witnesses and Baptists who go door-to-door. Also, midgets might want to avoid him, as he's already tried to make off with a few of my kids.

The image to the left is Brian's most recent tatoo. He has many more. He also has some body piercings and gothic jewelry hanging about his person.

Since Brian currently has no computer or email address, I can't direct any complaints about him his way. Sorry.

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