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Shane Christopher Webb. The current time is . This page was last updated on March 24, 2002.

Shane Christopher Webb

Shane Webb, commonly called Chris, has been my closest friend since 8th grade. My first recollection of Chris is in band. I remember him asking our band teacher a question, and at the time it seemed like he was a dork. He had that long hair in the back with the rest cropped fairly short. He played the saxaphone.

I couldn't tell you exactly when we became friends. It may have been a gradual process. We sat in the back row of Algebra class with Rob Wachtler, Mark McDonald, and some other guys. Eventually Chris, Rob and I started playing basketball together. Before long we became close friends.

Smart, mild-mannered and witty, Chris has migrated from cosmology & astronomy to journalism and screenwriting, then to his current occupation of mechanical engineering. (He's still into screenwriting, but he's too smart for journalism.)

For a tall guy, he's fairly quick and agile at basketball. He's got a sharp three-point shot.

Partial to Chipotle and Taco Bell, Webbdog is an easy man to please. He likes to hack away at his guitar. All told, I could never expect to have a better friend. He lives down in Tennessee now, but he's still the centerpiece of my inner circle. He's really my second brother.

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