Shane Christopher Webb
Shane Webb, commonly called Chris, has been my closest friend since 8th grade. My first recollection of Chris is in band. I remember him asking our band teacher a question, and at the time it seemed like he was a dork. He had that long hair in the back with the rest cropped fairly short. He played the saxaphone.
I couldn't tell you exactly when we became friends. It may have been a gradual process. We sat in the back row of Algebra class with Rob Wachtler, Mark McDonald, and some other guys. Eventually Chris, Rob and I started playing basketball together. Before long we became close friends.
Smart, mild-mannered and witty, Chris has migrated from cosmology & astronomy to journalism and screenwriting, then to his current occupation of mechanical engineering. (He's still into screenwriting, but he's too smart for journalism.)
For a tall guy, he's fairly quick and agile at basketball. He's got a sharp three-point shot.
Partial to Chipotle and Taco Bell, Webbdog is an easy man to please. He likes to hack away at his guitar. All told, I could never expect to have a better friend. He lives down in Tennessee now, but he's still the centerpiece of my inner circle. He's really my second brother.
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