Shawn Olson.NET

Jeremy Gilbey. The current time is . This page was last updated on March 24, 2002.

Jeremy Gilbey

I met Jeremy because I ended up marrying his sister. The marriage didn't work out, but my friendship to Jeremy has weathered the time. Jeremy is a close comrade. We shoot hoops and collaborate on game design.

Jeremy has a lot more going for himself than he seems to realize. He's got a quick decisive mind and a clean artistic style.

The gang usually just calls him Gilbey.

Experience has taught me that it's dangerous to have Gilbey and Terry in the same room for too long. They don't fight or anything. What they do is cultivate The Gilbey Virus. It's a dangerous contagion that forces you to talk in a deeply stressful biker voice while covering your mouth. Once it's started, there's really no way to get rid of it except to avoid Gilbey for a week.

As you can see from the picture on the top right, Gilbey is a keen basketball player. People are amazed at how high this white man can jump.

Gilbey is the author of the website.

You can send comments to Gilbey by mailing to

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