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Jeremy Martin. The current time is . This page was last updated on March 24, 2002.

Jeremy Martin

Think of Jeremy Wayne Martin as THE enigma. Smart as they get, his close friends know him as The Jeremporor. And yet ... he's the quiet mystery.

According to our mothers, Jeremy and I were friends while we were both still in diapers. It's hard for me to imagine Jeremy in diapers. I get this feeling that if the story is true, then we used to begin our play sessions with me asking Jeremy what we were going to do that day. Jeremy would probably say something like, "What we do everyday, Shawn--try to take over the world!"

Jeremy has this crazy idea that he ought to be a hermit. He's practically one already. It's a shame. People ought to start sending him letters begging him to join the rest of society. He's a great guy, and anyone close to him knows that he has a keen sense of humor.

Peanut butter. (Inside joke.)

Jeremy, Nathan Smith and I grew up together. Somehow we survived (escaped) the World Wide Church of God. We used to watch Doctor Who every weekend and play board games or Dungeons & Dragons.

To vote Jeremy into any public office, send an email to

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