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Nathan Scott Smith. The current time is . This page was last updated on March 24, 2002.

Nathan Scott Smith

Nobody defines eccentric like Nathan Smith. You could spend an hour decribing fifty people and you'd probably be describing Nathan better than I could, even if you never met him. He's an actor/football player, a smoker/drinker, formerly in the navy but wanted to be an opera singer before that, kind of person. Right now he's a boiler expert, but he's looking into working at a nuclear power plant because he likes to press buttons that blink.

Nathan has a creative, semi-aristocratic personality. He also can't spell worth a darn.

Nathan is part of the Monkey Movie Gang, which includes his brother Phil, his cousin Charley Case, Terry Shaver, and myself. (We haven't made a dime on our productions yet, but we predict making at least fifty dollars within the next five years.)

A Friends fanatic and devotee of Final Fantasy VII, Nathan is an odd one. But he's one of my best friends besides.

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