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Rich Boucher. The current time is . This page was last updated on March 24, 2002.

Rich Boucher

Rich Boucher, AKA Richie B or Captain Poopship, has been my close friend since high school. We met while dating sisters. During high school we spent time together in drama club and skipping school. We may have done some constructive activities too, though it's not likely.

Rich is the most polite rebel you'll ever meet. Artisitc, talented, smart, he keeps fairly quiet so long as he hasn't had too much Jack Daniels. Then he's wont to run around the house lighting his bicycle helmet on fire before smashing bottles over his head.

Rich is well connected with local bands and music/lighting companies. He is a member of the Otis Groove Connection and a member of the artistic team at Collision Graphics.

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