Shawn Olson Creative Arts

Art, Poetry, Photography, Writing and 3D

hickory horned devil
Phoenix Sunset

Greetings Earthling. Welcome to my creative portal. My name is Shawn Olson. I'm a creative jack-of-all trades who has years of experience in 3ds Max, game development, web development, journalism, photography, graphics and parenting. You may know me as a technical artist for Black Mesa or as the developer of Wall Worm if you came here as a game developer. I now also work on USD workflows and capabilities in 3ds Max and Maya at Autodesk. All opinions here are my own.

If you need help with any of these things, then I'm your guy:

  • Problem Solving
  • 3D Environments
  • 3D Assets
  • 3ds Max pipelines
  • Game Design
  • Documentation
  • Journalistic Coverage
  • Application Education
  • Web Application Development

If you must know more about me, feel free to read A Short Biography. But more importantly, enjoy the various photos, poems, editorials and scripts across the site.

I always enjoy feedback from visitors. Feel free to send me an email with any comments, ideas, praise, criticism or corrections. Of course you can always interact with me on the Wall Worm forums or other 3D forums where I haunt.

Latest Articles

Cowans Gap State Park

Posted on Nov 21, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
cowans gap state park photoEthan at Cowans Gap

Photos of the Cowans Gap State Park and surrounding countryside in Pennsylvania.

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cowans gap state park, pennsylvania, mountain photos, trees

Problems with Journalism

Posted on Nov 21, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

Some of the problems and misconceptions surrounding modern journalism.

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journalism, critique, critic, media, modern

Lorikeet Creative Arts

Posted on Oct 26, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
lorikeet artlorikeet artlorikeet art

Creative graphics composed from photos of Lorikeets.

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lorikeet, art, creative, computer

The black, white and red of the colorblind society

Posted on Oct 25, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

An essay noting the state of the civil rights movement in the wake of Rosa Park's death.

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civil rights movement, rosa parks, racial tension, hatred, affirmative action, xenophobia

Ban the Plan-O-Gram

Posted on Oct 18, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011
ban the plan-o-gram

Humorous call for the downfall of the Plan-O-Gram.

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plan-o-gram, planogram


Posted on Oct 18, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011
Rhinoceros photoRhinoceros photo

Photos of a rhinoceros at the Columbus Zoo.

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rhinoceros photos, rhino


Posted on Oct 18, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011
Bonobo BabyGorilla Photo

Some photos of apes, including gorillas and bonobo chimpanzees.

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ape photos, apes, gorilla, chimpanzee, bonobos

Hickory Horned Devil

Posted on Sep 4, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 2, 2011
hickory horned devilhickory horned devilhickory horned devilhickory horned devil

Photos of the Regal Moth Caterpillar, also known as the Hickory Horned Devil.

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Hickory Horned Devil, Regal Moth Caterpillas photos, caterpillars photo, royal walnut moth

A World Without Pain

Posted on Sep 2, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

An essay in reaction to the New Orleans disaster following hurricane Katrina.

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new orleans, hurricane katrina

The Tale of a Stubborn Horse

Posted on Aug 31, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011
horse buckhorse bucking photo

Some photos of a stubborn horse being trained.

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bucking horse photos, training photo, alex fogle
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max