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How I Broke Three Trucks

Posted on Dec 7, 2003 | Last Updated May 9, 2022

A tale about my time working in a boiler repair shop.. and how I broke three different trucks.

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trucks, damage, break, boiler repair shop, welding assistant, sweeping floors, job history

August 27, 2010 Newsletter

Posted on Aug 26, 2010 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011
de_sacrilegede_sacrilege wipConvexity being used on de_sacrilegeMantis Cluster

August 27, 2010 Newsletter with a review of Convexity, a game level builder plug-in for 3D Studio Max.

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The Blue Van

Posted on Mar 22, 2003 | Last Updated Jan 19, 2022

The Blue Van produced scorn from bystanders, but was a superb piece of machinery.

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blue van humor Shawn Olson

Smart Kids in Distress

Posted on Mar 8, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

Advice for young artists and free thinkers struggling in high school.

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high school advice, education, artists, creative thinkers, talented kids

XHTML—the beginning

Posted on Dec 10, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 30, 2011

A basic overview of XHTML and starting a web page.

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basic xhtml, introduction xhtml, html

Protest and Support

Posted on Mar 25, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

War protestors and supporters both have serious flaws in their arguments.

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war protest, iraq war, suddam hussein, peace, conflict

Minolta Dimage 7 Power Problem Solved

Posted on Apr 25, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

When your Minolta Dimage 7 turns off randomly, try scrubbing its battery contacts with a pencil.

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minolta dimage 7, power outtage, battery problem, turns off randomly

Role Playing Games

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 30, 2011

The fear of role playing games is ridiculous. Many people think that role playing is evil. I think it is a great outlet that can encourage kids to think and analyze and be creative.

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role playing games, dungeons and dragons

Inside Cringe

Posted on May 21, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011
CringeCringeMat CringeCringe

A visual tour of Cringe; samples of what is soon to come.

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cringe, cringemusic, cringe rock band, columbus local music, shawn olson ph

March 7, 2006 Newsletter

Posted on Mar 6, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

March 7, 2006 Newsletter with details about the launch of GoodGuest, Ethan Olson Creative Arts, Etc.

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March 7, 2006 Newsletter
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max