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2006 is Here

Posted on Jan 1, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

First newsletter for 2006

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2006 newsletter

Site Surpasses 1 Million Visitors

Posted on Jul 18, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

This site passes one million visitors on July 19, 2005.

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millionth visitor, million visitors

October 30, 2008 Newsletter

Posted on Oct 29, 2008 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011
3d chessCicada PhotoJumping Spider eating AntRobber Fly Face Photoscorpionflywild mercy barry

October 30, 2008 Newsletter with information about Wild Mercy and Filk.

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October 30, 2008 Newsletter

November 2, 2006

Posted on Nov 1, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011
Pallas Cat PhotoAssassin Bug Climbing Thistle

Newsletter with zoo photos and mention about ICANN.

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november, 2, 2006

April 20, 2006 Newsletter

Posted on Apr 19, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
Longnose Gar PhotoLongnose Gar Photorock squirrelsScorpion Photo

April 20, 2006 Newsletter with news relating to music, science-fiction and photography.

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April 20, 2006 Newsletter

Molting Cicada

Posted on Aug 12, 2008 | Last Updated Feb 11, 2014
Cicada PhotoCicada PhotoCicada PhotoCicada PhotoCicada PhotoCicada PhotoCicada PhotoCicada Photo

Photos of a nymph dog day cicada molting.

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cicada, cicadas, photos, insect, big

Arizona Landscapes

Posted on Apr 2, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
Papago MountainsPhoenix Sunsetarizona canyon photoarizona mountain photoSun BeamHazy Mountains in Arizonasnowy arizona mountain

Photos of the many landscapes in Arizona, including mountains, deserts, canyons and more.

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arizona, landscape, photos, mountains, desert, cacti

Web Statistics

Posted on Mar 30, 2009 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011

A brief introduction to understanding website statistics, including a discussion of visits, hits and other topics to be aware of.

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website, stats, statistics, logs, analyze, traffic, visits, hits

Water Scorpion Photos

Posted on Aug 20, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011
water stick insectwater stick insect

Photos of the Water Scorpions (Water Stick Insect), which are large predatory bugs.

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water scorpion, stick insect, Ranatra linearis, predatory insect, scoprion

Arizona Plants

Posted on Apr 9, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
cactusdead plantplantplantprickly pear cactus

Photos of some of the plants I photographed in Arizona.

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arizona plants, floral photos, cacti, cactus, saguaro
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max