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Liquid 6teen Photos

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 19, 2011

Photos of Ohio-based rock band Liquid 6teen.

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Bobaflex Photos

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 19, 2011

Photos of the popular rock band Bobaflex when touring in central Ohio.

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Assassin Bug Photos

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 19, 2011

Photos of the Assassin Bug, a predatory insect.

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Ethos Photos

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 19, 2011

Photos of rock band Ethos.

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Longnose Gar Photos

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 19, 2011

Some photos of a longnose gar we kept for a few years.

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Ambush Bug Photos

Posted on Aug 8, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011

Photos of a small ambush bug waiting for prey in the pedals of a flower.

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ambush bug, insect photography, predatory insects

Aeronautical Photos

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 19, 2011

Photos of airplanes.

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Westgate Eagles Football Photos

Posted on Oct 26, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

More photos of the Westgate Eagles football team in 2005.

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football pictures, sports photography

The Cringe Phenomenon

Posted on Jul 4, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011
Tom ClineRyan WilderCorbin CringeJoe ViersMat MarcumCringe PracticeMat Marcum

Interview with Cringe that appeared in Now It's Dark Magazine.

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cringe phenomenon, interview, practice photos, local music, rock band

Water Scorpion Photos

Posted on Aug 20, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011
water stick insectwater stick insect

Photos of the Water Scorpions (Water Stick Insect), which are large predatory bugs.

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water scorpion, stick insect, Ranatra linearis, predatory insect, scoprion
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