John Dewey Philosophy Website
A new website is launched that is dedicated to the philosophy of John Dewey.
CandleWatch - Rekindling the love for candlelight
CandleWatch is a new jar candle accessory that automatically extinguishes jar candles.
August 12, 2007 Newsletter
August 12, 2007 Newsletter including a new Hidden Map and wildlife photos.
XHTML—the beginning
A basic overview of XHTML and starting a web page.
It's a Boy
Jenny and I will be new parents again this summer.
Master Web Designers Website
The new hub of professional website development has been launched.
Select Some Checkboxes JavaScript Function
A new javascript function that allows you to control checkboxes in groups via a control checkbox.
Noise Auction - A Prelude
Promo pictures of a new rock band in Columbus called Noise Auction.
Changes for WallWorm
The WallWorm Counter-Strike Server is soon moving to a new server and IP address.
Lane Avenue Bridge
Nighttime photos of the new Lane Avenue bridge in Columbus, Ohio.