J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center turns 40
History of the J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center, a refuge for many children and teenagers in the Hilltop, a community on the West Side of Columbus, Ohio. Story from in the Columbus Messenger Newspapers for April 29, 2002 by staff writer Shawn Olson.
Killing Demons
Poems that are rooted in very negative frames of mind.
Using the Internet
This editorial on education was printed as a Chalkboard column in the Messenger.
Lover of Hate
A poem on the dark side of humanity known as hatred.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Some people get excited about the simplest things. Like the glimpse of a woman's ankles.
Stalling Court Murders and Media
Two people were murdered in Stalling Court and the media is swarming it.
Society's sentiment towards evolution
People argue against evolution all the time when they've never read about it.
Politics from the Porch
People wonder what the value of politics is. Inclusion in history, that's the value.
Some observations on smokers
You can't argue with people who are addicted to cigarettes.