July 7, 2005 Newsletter
July 7, 2005 Newsletter.
Reviewing the Slate
Review of Steven Pinker's book The Blank Slate and the common notion that we are all born without predispositions.
My Experience at Westland High School
How an honor-roll student can lose heart and drop out
An overview of Shawn Olson's experience at Westland High School.
The Forgotten Philosopher: A Look at John Dewey
An essay delving into the educational philosophy of John Dewey.
The nature of apathy
To be apathetic is to invite entropy, says Olson. How do we deal with it?
Education in Debt
The assumption that a diploma means educated is not well founded.
The Paradox of Cultural Relativism
An skeptical essay on the paradox of cultural relativism when taken to an extreme. My stance is that cultural relativism is only valid in a limited scope and should not be used to justify barbaric and supertitious societies.
Problems with American Freedom
A reaction to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America, shortly after the events.
A Little About John Dalmas
A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
Pursuit of Happiness
Essay on natural rights with a focus on the Pursuit of Happiness.