The Value of Art
An essay on the value of art.
Promoting Interest in the Classroom
An essay about the role teachers play in making subjects interesting, valuable and relevant to students. Prompted by an Open-House visit to Westland High School.
The Paradox of Cultural Relativism
An skeptical essay on the paradox of cultural relativism when taken to an extreme. My stance is that cultural relativism is only valid in a limited scope and should not be used to justify barbaric and supertitious societies.
Observation on Trust in Society
Essay about trust in personal lives, culture and global civilization.
The Fairness Mentality
Essay about our skewed perspective on fairness.
Reflections and Infections
An essay about the need for more philosophy (love of wisdom) in an age of growing xenophobia.
MisCon 25
My Adventure with Onkel Sven.
I traveled to Missoula, Montana with John Dalmas to participate in MisCon 25. I met several interesting characters including William Warren Jr, James Burk, Jim Glass and others.
Renaissance Man
An essay on the extinction of the Renaissance Man or polymath in human history.
Chapter 4: Faceless Clues
Investigators find a terrible scene on the wrecked Rogue 5... and a mystery threat is born.
A Perspective on Patriotism
Essay about patriotism, nationalism and America.