Major Directory Changes at ShawnOlson.Net
Topics pages now only list articles by Shawn Olson and very close friends and family.
What is the purpose of this website?
The purpose of this site is to promote the talents of Shawn Olson and Olson's friends/family.
McDonald's Terms
A few of my family's favorite words from McDonald's
Subjects in the Classroom and Life
A discussion on the utilitarian value of the subjects our schools teach. This editorial on education was one of the last pieces Shawn Olson printed as a Messenger writer.
Everything Fades
A poem on losing someone close. I wrote it in memory of my Grandfather Clarence Himes.
A Little About John Dalmas
A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
Mom - a poem by Eric Olson about Mom.
A Vandal's Life
A cartoon on vandalism by Shawn Olson.
All there is
A poem written by Jennifer Pugh about all there is.