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Google's Dewey Update

Posted on Jun 9, 2008 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011

Some thoughts on the latest upheaval to the search engine world and the so-called Dewey Update.

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google, dewey update

The idea of love

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 26, 2011

A philosophical look at the human emotion of love, originally printed in the Messenger.

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love, self respect, relationships

Bruce Lee's Philosophy

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 27, 2011

A review of Bruce Lee's philosophical outlook.

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bruce lee philosophy, bruce lee legacy

What if We Ran from Iran

Posted on Nov 21, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011

A warning about impending war with Iranian fanatacism.

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iran, war, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, middle east, terrorism

The Sunset and Spirits

Posted on Apr 2, 2003 | Last Updated Jun 8, 2021

A trip to a mountain top turns into a flight of irrational terror.

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north dakota sunset, spirits, fear, irrational fear, panic, ghosts, horror,

Educational Inflation

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 26, 2011

A critique of the value of educational diplomas.

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high school diploma, college graduation, intellectual certification, educat

The Happy Worker

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 30, 2011

An essay on the coomon person's role in the workforce.

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worker, life of work, toiling for money

The Marv Albert Rule

Posted on Jul 23, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

Anything is Possible

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Marv Albert

Photos of Faith Ann Burson

Posted on Dec 25, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 30, 2011

Photos of Faith Burson (Olson) by Shawn Olson.

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photos of faith olson burson

Another rough week

Posted on Apr 27, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

Another week of recovery for Donna Olson.

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donna olson ill, stroke, sickness
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max