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Selecting a Percentage of a Collection Randomly in MAXScript

Posted on Feb 3, 2016 | Last Updated Feb 5, 2016

Example MAXscript for collecting random subsets of an array based on a percentage.

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maxscript, random, percentage, selection

The Dreaded -1.#IND

Posted on Jun 5, 2015 | Last Updated Jun 5, 2015

A solution for DOT products of two normals that result in -1.#IND when passed to acos().

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maxscript, geometry, trigonometry, -1.#IND

Good Times or Better Stories

Posted on Dec 7, 2014 | Last Updated Dec 7, 2014

Random stories about some funny events in my life. Some became funny after the fact.

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PHP Traits for Implementing Interfaces

Posted on Aug 13, 2013 | Last Updated Aug 13, 2013

PHP 5.4 introduced traits. Traits are in many ways like code-assisted copy and paste. They are ways to mix code into a class without inheritance. But what are they good for? When should they be used?

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PHP 5.4, trait, interface, abstract, oop


Printable Dots Sheets for Children
Posted on Dec 6, 2012 | Last Updated Dec 6, 2012

Printable Dots game. Also includes instructions on playing this classic pen-and-paper game.

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dots, game, printable, instructions

Cringe Photos

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 6, 2013

Photographs of Columbus rock band Cringe, including interviews, live concerts, promo shots and practice photos. This is the largest online collection of Cringe photos.

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mark matheny

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 | Last Updated Jun 30, 2011

martial artist / jewish

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Matthew Adams

Posted on Jun 26, 2011 | Last Updated Jun 26, 2011

Faith Burson

Posted on Jun 26, 2011 | Last Updated Jun 26, 2011

Faith Burson is a photographer in Kansas City, Missouri.

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Virginia Crosby

Posted on Jun 29, 2011 | Last Updated Jun 29, 2011

Virginia is the crafty mother of four and grandmother of nine children.

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Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max