April 12, 2006 Newsletter
April 12, 2006 Newsletter with photos of plants and cacti from Arizona.
March 18, 2005 Newsletter
March 18, 2005 Newsletter, including doctor who information.
January 15, 2005 Newsletter
January 15, 2005 Newsletter with a brief mention of the change in the Earth's rotation.
Arizona Landscapes
Photos of the many landscapes in Arizona, including mountains, deserts, canyons and more.
Arizona Wildlife Photos
Photos of wild creatures in Arizona from the Sonoran Desert to the Grand Canyon.
Meteor Crater
Photos and links for Meteor Crater in Arizona.
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Photos and video of the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird.
Adieu Cringe
2003 is coming to an end with the final Cringe show. This year my mother died, my friend John Hart died, and my favorite band broke up.
Andrew Penry
Just some guy, you know?