Master Web Designers Website
The new hub of professional website development has been launched.
Unicode Data with PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1
Internationalization is simple with a litlle advanced preparation.
MySQL Sort Order with NULL
Learn how to force NULL values to the end of a sorted list
Near and Nearer
Images of small things, and then closer looks at those things.
How to get better teachers.
There is only one way to get better teachers. Pay them more.
A Little About John Dalmas

A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
Education in the Digital Age
Essay on education in the modern digital age.
Cyber Trial Lawyer or Cyber Bully?
I just got an email draft of a lawsuit against me for $7 Million dollars.
This Art is Alive
Poem about the nature of human interactions. We all want to impose ourselves, visions and beliefs onto others. But it is always a give-and-take adventure.