Houdini & Thurston
A short contrast of Howard Thurston and Harry Houdini
Comparing America magicians Harry Houdini and Howard Thurston.
Information Overload
An Over-Abundance of Information in the Information Age
An essay on the trends on the Internet that cause an explosion of information that is often antithetical to the ideals of democracy and progress. This essay cautions parents, teachers and community leaders to be wary of every emerging media outlet.
Education in Debt
The assumption that a diploma means educated is not well founded.
The Call for Religion in Schools
An unpublished editorial on religion in the classroom.
Moving to Montreal
I took a job in Montreal to work as a Product Owner for 3ds Max.
PHP Traits for Implementing Interfaces
PHP 5.4 introduced traits. Traits are in many ways like code-assisted copy and paste. They are ways to mix code into a class without inheritance. But what are they good for? When should they be used?
Cringe Photos
Photographs of Columbus rock band Cringe, including interviews, live concerts, promo shots and practice photos. This is the largest online collection of Cringe photos.
Filter XML Data Based on Dates in ActionScript
You can filter your XML data based on dates in ActionScript to limit results in a component's data provider to one that is relevant to the given task.
The Phantom Dollar
Essay on American debt, credit abuse and the lies of economicists and politicians.