Flies on Cattails
Some photos on cattails in November.
Creative Arts Site Launched
A new website dedicated to promoting creative arts and creativity now launched.
May 10, 2005 Newsletter
May 10, 2005 Newsletter.
January 15, 2005 Newsletter
January 15, 2005 Newsletter with a brief mention of the change in the Earth's rotation.
Unicode Data with PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1
Internationalization is simple with a litlle advanced preparation.
Halloween 2004
Some photos of ghastly Halloween scenes on Beggar's night in the Westgate Area.
October 13, 2004
October 13, 2004 newsletter. Chris Webb married Stacey Porter.
Insect Pictures
A few pictures from Darby Park by Jenny.
Columbus Zoo Gibbon photos by Jenny
Pictures taken at the Columbus Zoo of the Gibbons by Jenny.
Columbus Zoo Aquarium Photos by Jenny
Pictures that I took of the aquarium at the Columbus Zoo - photos by Jenny.