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Change HTML Styles with JavaScript

Posted on Jul 23, 2009 | Last Updated Aug 4, 2009

Video and source files on using getElementById, getElementsByTagName and object oriented methods to dynamically change HTML element styles in JavaScript.

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javascript, getElemebtById, getElementsByTagName, reference, explanation, video

CSDE_CAMPSIDE - Counter-Strike Map

Posted on Jun 8, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

Custom Counter-Strike map by Shawn Olson. Small, fast map using hybrid objective of bomb and hostage

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custom, counter-strike, map, csde

Shawn Olson

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 | Last Updated Jan 25, 2024

Shawn Michael Olson is a technical artists and photojournalist in Central Ohio. He owns Wall Worm, Webonizer and the Artistic Network.

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shawn michael olson, shawn olson, shawn, SMO, wall worm, black mesa, autodesk

Later Dude

Posted on Feb 1, 2015 | Last Updated Feb 1, 2015

Cringe Bassist Ryan Butcher has died.

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June 28, 2006 Newsletter

Posted on Jun 27, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
Salamander Tadpole PhotoToad Photo

June 28, 2006 Newsletter.

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June 28, 2006 Newsletter

A World Without Pain

Posted on Sep 2, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

An essay in reaction to the New Orleans disaster following hurricane Katrina.

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new orleans, hurricane katrina

Fuel Tank Safety Measures

Posted on Feb 27, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

An overview of the safety measures fuel distributors take to minimize accidental disasters.

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fuel storage tank safety, shawn olson

Moving to Montreal

Posted on Feb 29, 2020 | Last Updated Jan 25, 2024

I took a job in Montreal to work as a Product Owner for 3ds Max.

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montreal, 3ds max, moving

Eric Olson

Posted on Jun 29, 2011 | Last Updated Jun 29, 2011

Eric Olson is the musical member of the Olson clan.

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eric, eric olson, music, bio, fruity loops, songs

cs_interrogation custom Counter-Strike Map

Posted on Jan 2, 2006 | Last Updated Dec 6, 2011

cs_interrogation is a custom Counter-Strike 1.6 map set in an inner-city area.

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custom cs map, hostage, cstrike, counter-strike, counter strike, cs1.6
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max