Digital Deer Paintings
Samples of deer paintings rendered on a computer. Art by Don Olson.
Masters and Pawns
Poem about how we are all Masters and Pawns to destiny.
Smart Kids in Distress
Advice for young artists and free thinkers struggling in high school.
Planetary Nebula
Computer art of a planet in a nebula.
Importing Methods from an unrelated Class in PHP5
Sometimes you need to steal a method from an unrelated class without becoming a child. Here's how.
February 26, 2005 Newsletter
February 26, 2005 Newsletter.
Martian Landscape
Digital painting of a martian landscape.
Oracle Website Launched
Information on the Oracle subdomain.
Digital Wildlife Art
My first attempts at wildlife art using a computer. Art by Don Olson.
Purple Grasshopper
Photos of a purple grasshopper with green eyes found in the grass on a mild February afternoon.