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PHP Traits for Implementing Interfaces

Posted on Aug 13, 2013 | Last Updated Aug 13, 2013

PHP 5.4 introduced traits. Traits are in many ways like code-assisted copy and paste. They are ways to mix code into a class without inheritance. But what are they good for? When should they be used?

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PHP 5.4, trait, interface, abstract, oop

Reading Problems

Posted on Sep 14, 2003 | Last Updated Aug 16, 2013

Common reading problems.

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reading problems

Chapter 4: Faceless Clues

Posted on Jan 26, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

Investigators find a terrible scene on the wrecked Rogue 5... and a mystery threat is born.

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mask of rogue seven 7, mystery murders, science fiction, story, shawn olson

Site Terms & Conditions

Posted on Jul 4, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 5, 2011

Basic terms and conditions for using the Shawn Olson Artistic Network.

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terms conditions

Cultural Cataracts

Posted on Nov 12, 2007 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011

A personal conversation about the challenges facing educational and cultural progress in the face of overwhelming ignorance and myopia.

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parenting, education, society, culture

Voting with the ego.

Posted on Oct 13, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

Egoism may not be popular, but it's what's getting my vote.

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Voting, Egoism, Kerry, Bush

Return to Norton Middle School

Posted on Apr 4, 2007 | Last Updated Nov 11, 2011

Short essay recounting a day I spent at Norton Middle School with Gary Sigrist.

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What if We Ran from Iran

Posted on Nov 21, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011

A warning about impending war with Iranian fanatacism.

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iran, war, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, middle east, terrorism
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max