Art is the all-defining term for this site. While almost all of the creative endeavors covered on this site can be defined as "art", this page is specifically for the display of visual arts, including painting, drawing, design and any combination of these and more.
Latest Articles
Choosing the Right Pesticide

Cartoon about pesticides and plagues.
The Catheterized Cat

Cartoon about what can happen when you don't listen well.
Wrong Side of Bed

Cartoon about people with negative outlooks.
A Balogna Syndrome

A cartoon of a bull chronically depressed due to an unfortunate pun in his name.
Boycott Adobe
It's Time for Artists to Send a Message
Critical discussion on software companies fleecing artists and consumers.
Quick Parent Link MAXScript
Pick a hierarchy a little faster
MAXScript function to quickly pick parent/child chains (hierarchies) of objects in 3ds Max. Works a little more efficiently than the native Select and Link function in 3ds Max.
Great Holiday Meal
A Breakfeast to Slay For

Santa has the best meal he's had in years. Mrs. Claus, though, isn't so sure. A holiday baking cartoon.
Wall Worm Model Tools
Easily send your models from 3ds Max to the Valve Source Game Engine
I've written a new MAXScript to help automate sending models from 3ds Max to the Valve Source Game Engine.
Max 2010 Particle Flow Presets
When you install 3D Studio Max 2010, it does not automatically install any Particle Flow Presets. They are available in the Samples DVD that ships with Max. Here is how to install them.