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It all begins on a bad day

Posted on Mar 4, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 5, 2011

Chapter 1 of The Hermit Colony, a satirical story about a man named Jeremiah Williams.

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Hermit Colony, chapter 1, humor, satire, fiction

JPEG Cleaner - Program to reduce JPEG file sizes

Posted on Sep 10, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011

Digital cameras append JPEG files with data that increases the file size of images.

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jpeg cleaner, image optimization, web photos, digital cameras

Unsharp Mask - Remove Blur from Digital Photos

Posted on Feb 22, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 5, 2011

Many high-end digital cameras soften images. Sometimes the photographer wants the detail back.

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unsharp mask, sharpen soft image, digital photo editing, photography tips

Counter-Strike Night

Jun 23, 2005

Counter-Strike Night

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June 15, 2009 Newsletter

Posted on Jun 14, 2009 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011
Jack Buckingham

Newsletter including the retirement of Jack Buckingham. Discussion on teachers.

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The Forgotten Philosopher: A Look at John Dewey

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 26, 2011

An essay delving into the educational philosophy of John Dewey.

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educational philosophy of john dewey, john dewey education, education, philosopher, forgotten

February 17, 2006 Newsletter

Posted on Feb 16, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

February 17, 2006 Newsletter.

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February 17, 2006 Newsletter

Dynamically change a form's action with JavaScript

Posted on Dec 11, 2008 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011

JavaScript allows you to dynamically change a form's action. To make the function work in the new Google Chrome browser, you need to reference the action differently than you could in other browsers.

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javascript, form, action, browser, chrome
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max