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Undivided in a Divided Scene

Posted on Jul 17, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 5, 2011

Photos of Undivided at Newport plus interview.

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undivided columbus rock band

Wild Mercy

Posted on Sep 27, 2008 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2015
wild mercy barrywild mercy jenwild mercy sallywild mercy barrywild mercy jennwild mercy jen

Photos of a contemporary Celtic rock musicians Wild Mercy.

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Ohio Caverns

Posted on Aug 28, 2007 | Last Updated Nov 11, 2011
King CrystalStalactitesStalactitesWater Dripping from Stalactitestalactites ohio cavernsstalactites ohio cavernswet stalactites

Photos of the stalactites and stalagmites of the Ohio Caverns.

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ohio caverns, caves, stalactites, stalagmites

Mountain Lion

Posted on Apr 18, 2007 | Last Updated Nov 11, 2011
Cougar PhotoCougar PhotoCougar Photo

Photos and video of the Mountain Lion, also known as the cougar, puma and panther.

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mountain lion, cougar, panther, puma

White Bees

Posted on Nov 23, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011
white beewhite beewhite bee

Photos of hairy white and black bees with green eyes.

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bees, bee, white, black, green


Posted on Jul 14, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011
infinitesimal inversionseeds of inversiontransitional inversion

Computer art called Inversion composed in Corel PhotoPaint using photos of dandelions.

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inversion, computer art, corel photopaint, photo-paint

Missouri Toad

Posted on Jun 27, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
Toad FaceToad PhotoToad PhotoToad Photo

Photos of a toad in Missouri.

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toad, amphibian, missouri

Wright Patterson Airforce Museum

Posted on Feb 15, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
exposed jet componentsUS Air Force JetWright Patterson Airforce MuseumWright Patterson Airforce Museum

Some photos of airplanes and exhibits at the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio.

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Wright Patterson Air Force Museum, wpafb


Posted on Sep 28, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
fungus photofungus photofungus photofungus photo

Fungus photos.

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Reflections of Soma

Posted on Dec 7, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 2, 2011
Somasoma reflects

Photos of Columbus rock band Soma.

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soma rock band, promo pictures, columbus music
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max