Bob Mauk, purring his heart into his work
Interview with wildlife artist Bob Mauk, originally printed in the Westside Messenger.
Columbus Messenger, Me and Unprofessional
The Columbus Messenger Newspapers and why I don't work there anymore.
Junk Food won’t make you Chuck
A review of musical group Chuck's Junk by Shawn Olson, originally in the Westside Messenger.
Infection of the Heart
Poem about despair and the false questions that can lead us into the darkest areas of the human heart. A poem for Vince Kingrea, who sadly took his own life.
The Cringe Phenomenon
Interview with Cringe that appeared in Now It's Dark Magazine.
Winners on Wheels
A feature about disabled students involved with sports. Originally from the Westside Messenger.
Empty is as full as it gets
Humorous piece by Shawn Olson about cars, originally printed in the Columbus Messenger.
IWA comes alive in Columbus
A feature on the International Wrestling Alliance in Columbus. Originally in the Messenger.
Mabi Ponce de Leon, Artist and Teacher
Bexley High School art teacher Mabi Ponce de Leon report was Olson's last article for the Columbus Messenger Newspapers.