Rock Music IS Folk Art.
Essay tracing path of folk music to modern rock.
My Wife Likes it Hot
A little story about when my wife made things a little too hot.
Eric Olson
Eric Olson is the musical member of the Olson clan.
Adults shoot kids with paintball gun
On Nov 10-11, 2002, adults fired paintballs at neighborhood kids from 237 Fremont Court.
Reading Problems
Common reading problems.
A lesson in flight
The kids and I take a crash course in flying paper airplanes--with the Ultimate Paper Airplane.
November 18, 2009 Newsletter

November 18, 2009 Newsletter with a discussion on social networking sites like Facebook. Links to latest projects.
Chapter 3: Arrival at Jadus
The Orion was sent to Jadus to find Rogue 7.
Creative Oasis
A recent set of images painted in Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
Good Memories from the Badlands

Photos from my trip to Killdeer and Medora in Western North Dakota.