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Posted on Aug 24, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
gibbon photogibbon photogibbons photo

Gibbon photos from the Columbus Zoo.

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gibbon photo, gibbons photos, primate photography, columbus zoo

Subjects in the Classroom and Life

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 26, 2011

A discussion on the utilitarian value of the subjects our schools teach. This editorial on education was one of the last pieces Shawn Olson printed as a Messenger writer.

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educational subjects, subject relevance in education

Pallas Cat

Posted on Oct 7, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011
Pallas Cat PhotoPallas Cat PhotoPallas Cat PhotoPallas Cat PhotoPallas Cat PhotoPallas Cat Photo

Photos and video of the Pallas Cat from the Asia Quest exhibit at the Columbus Zoo.

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pallas cat, asian feline, columbus zoo, manul, lesser cat

Orangutan Photos

Posted on Jun 8, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011
Orangutan PhotoOrangutan PhotoOrangutan Photo

Photos of a couple orangutans at the Columbus Zoo.

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Orangutan, Orangutans, ape, photos, columbus zoo, primate photo


Posted on Aug 22, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011
foraging flamingosgrooming flamingogrooming flamingosnoozing flamingo

Flamingo photos from the Columbus Zoo.

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flamingo photos, flamingos, columbus zoo, wetland birds

Lane Avenue Bridge

Posted on Feb 19, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 5, 2011

Nighttime photos of the new Lane Avenue bridge in Columbus, Ohio.

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lane avenue bridge, columbus landmark

Later Dude

Posted on Feb 1, 2015 | Last Updated Feb 1, 2015

Cringe Bassist Ryan Butcher has died.

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SMO.net Online News

Posted on Jun 4, 2003 | Last Updated Jun 4, 2003

News regarding art, poetry and photography in Columbus, Ohio

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online art and photography news, columbus writers news

Cringe Concert

Jun 14, 2003

Cringe Concert

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Alias X at Billiard Club

Posted on Apr 25, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

Alias X opened the musical night at the Billiard Club for Tom Cline's birthday bash.

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alias x rock band, tom cline birthday
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max