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December 8, 2005 Newsletter

Posted on Dec 7, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011

December 8, 2005 Newsletter

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December 8, 2005 Newsletter

Unicode Data with PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1

Posted on Nov 11, 2004 | Last Updated Jun 7, 2020

Internationalization is simple with a litlle advanced preparation.

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Unicode, PHP, MySQL

How can I support Shawn Olson?

Posted on Nov 30, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 2, 2011

You can help support Shawn Olson's efforts by making a donation.

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fund artist, contributions, buy art

Privacy Policy: Another Look

Posted on Aug 22, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

An essay on our right to privacy and government spying.

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privacy rights, right, spying government

Reflections and Infections

Posted on Jul 10, 2018 | Last Updated Jul 10, 2018

An essay about the need for more philosophy (love of wisdom) in an age of growing xenophobia.

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wisdom, philosopher, leaders, tyrants

Renaissance Man

Posted on Mar 17, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

An essay on the extinction of the Renaissance Man or polymath in human history.

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renaissance man, polymath, society, knowledge

The Public Disdain for Science

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 30, 2011

An essay about common public opinion towards science.

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science in the public

Hiding in the Cracks

Posted on Feb 28, 2012 | Last Updated Feb 28, 2012

A poem about the illusion of discontinuity; questioning the static.

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April 12, 2006 Newsletter

Posted on Apr 11, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
dead plantSaguaro Cactus

April 12, 2006 Newsletter with photos of plants and cacti from Arizona.

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April 12, 2006 Newsletter

Upcoming Updates

Posted on Feb 4, 2007 | Last Updated Nov 11, 2011

An overview of upcoming updates and projects I am working on.

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Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max