Madison County Fair 2002 Photos
Madison County Fair 2002 photos by Shawn Olson.
Ruiter Wedding Photos
Photos of the marriage between Steve Ruiter and Annie Keslar.
SOMA CD Release Photos
SOMA's CD release party photos from January 17, 2003 at the Scarlet and Gray Cafe.
July 4, 2002 Photos
July 4, 2002 photos by Shawn Olson.
My Wife Likes it Hot
A little story about when my wife made things a little too hot.
Adventures with Chris
Slideshow of Photos and a little about my cousin and dear friend Chris Himes, who died on April 26, 2019.
Funny Animals
Photos of animals being silly at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
Ambush Bugs
Photos of Ambush Bugs waiting for prey in the pedals of plants.
Westgate Eagles Football
Some photos of the Westgate Eagles Junior Football team.
Traditional Hindu Wedding
Photos of a traditional Hindu wedding in Columbus, Ohio.