May 10, 2005 Newsletter
May 10, 2005 Newsletter.
March 7, 2008 Newsletter
March 7, 2008 Newsletter, including information about recent web development by Shawn Olson. Links to projects and friend sites.
What is the Shawn Olson Creative Arts Website?
Shawn Olson Creative Arts is a website created, owned and maintained by Shawn Olson. It features thousands of pages of writing, photography, art, videos and more.
A World Without Pain
An essay in reaction to the New Orleans disaster following hurricane Katrina.
Psychics and Statistics
What happens when a Carl Sagan fan meets with person with psychic ability.
CandleWatch - Rekindling the love for candlelight
CandleWatch is a new jar candle accessory that automatically extinguishes jar candles.
Shawn Olson Creative Arts
Art, Poetry, Photography, Writing and 3D
Shawn Olson Creative Arts is a collection of artwork, journalism, poetry, photography, 3d and more by technical artist Shawn Olson in Columbus Ohio.
How I Broke Three Trucks
A tale about my time working in a boiler repair shop.. and how I broke three different trucks.