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Thanksgiving 2003

Posted on Nov 28, 2003 | Last Updated Nov 2, 2011

The snow has come and the final Cringe show is near.

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thanksgiving 2003

October 13, 2004

Posted on Oct 12, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

October 13, 2004 newsletter. Chris Webb married Stacey Porter.

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October 13, 2004, webb wedding

July 20, 2007 Newsletter

Posted on Jul 19, 2007 | Last Updated Nov 11, 2011
Hayden SleepingStag BeetleYoung Praying MantisHaydenMountains Pocket PC Art

July 20, 2007 Newsletter with news about the birth of my son Hayden, the release of Webonizer and the launch of John Dalmas' website.

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January 29, 2005 Newsletter

Posted on Jan 28, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011

January 29, 2005 Newsletter. Note on Michael Crosby.

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January 29, 2005 Newsletter, michael crosby, visitor benchmark

Praying Mantis Web Page

Posted on Sep 22, 2004 | Last Updated Nov 7, 2011

The praying mantis web page was launched today.

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praying mantis, web page

April 20, 2006 Newsletter

Posted on Apr 19, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
Longnose Gar PhotoLongnose Gar Photorock squirrelsScorpion Photo

April 20, 2006 Newsletter with news relating to music, science-fiction and photography.

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April 20, 2006 Newsletter

Pursuit of Happiness

Posted on Oct 26, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 10, 2011

Essay on natural rights with a focus on the Pursuit of Happiness.

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natural rights, happiness, philosophy

Make JavaScript Math.random() useful

Posted on Aug 3, 2004 | Last Updated Sep 30, 2013

How to use the JavaScript Math.random function useful with round, ceiling, and floor.

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javscript, math.random, math.round, math.ceil, math.floor

John Hart Dies at 69

Posted on May 19, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

Former Prairie Township Trustee John Hart died on May 14, 2003.

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john hart, john w. hart, prairie township trustee dies, her realtor

The most important things

Posted on Apr 27, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

Putting human struggles and value into perspective.

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donna olson. stroke, illness, hope fatalism
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max