Good Memories from the Badlands
Photos from my trip to Killdeer and Medora in Western North Dakota.
Creative Arts
Essay on creative arts and the true value of art and creativity.
Jack Buckingham Retires after 31 Years in SWCS
Jack Buckingham was one of my teachers at Westland High School. This is a short feature on Buck.
A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.
The Cheating Mentality
Essay about cheating in online games, using hacks in multiplayer games.
Misconceptions on Privacy Invasion
An essay defending the government's right to spy on the public.
The Value of Art
An essay on the value of art.
The other end of life
An emotional editorial by Shawn Olson about old age originally printed in the Messenger.
Education in Debt
The assumption that a diploma means educated is not well founded.
The Call for Religion in Schools
An unpublished editorial on religion in the classroom.