Artistic Network World-Wide Site Launched
The new Artistic Network world-wide arts directory is now online.
Titles to The Scorpions soundtrack Crazy World.
Moss on Rotting Tree
Moss growing on a rotting tree in the middle of February.
Statues Go Away
A poem on the march of time. Things can change even if they seem eternal.
A World Without Pain
An essay in reaction to the New Orleans disaster following hurricane Katrina.
Human ability and prejudice
Prejudice is a part of our world fading, but never quickly enough.
Google's Dewey Update
Some thoughts on the latest upheaval to the search engine world and the so-called Dewey Update.
New Artistic Network
News relating to the Artistic Network, a website that I launched for artists around the world.
He Whom I Know
Poem on personal identity and the paradox between our inner self and the persona we share with the world around us.
Cringe Photos 1
Photos of Cringe at the Alrosa Villa on August 23, 2002. This was my first encounter with the band that became one of my favorite bands of all time.