Pet People
A Chalkboard column by Shawn Olson about regulars at a pet store.
The Hurry-Stop Syndrome
This editorial was the last Chalkboard editorial Shawn Olson wrote for the Columbus Messenger.
Manipulating Element Styles Based on CSS Classes Using Prototype
Example javascript function to change element display properties based on their classes using the Prototype JavaScript Framework.
Flash bgcolor and allowFullScreen Parameters Not Working?
I spent half a day trying to figure out why a Flash project suddenly stopped honoring bgcolor and allowFullScreen in IE but not other browsers.
Google Page Rank Woes
Google has sliced and diced the page rank of many websites, including this one.
Five Million Visitors
My site surpassed five million visitors.
Major Directory Changes at ShawnOlson.Net
Topics pages now only list articles by Shawn Olson and very close friends and family.