Product of Thought Photos
Product of Thought opened with CC Manded, Bobaflex, and Cringe for the January 31 Liquid 6teen show.
Season Finale
The one where one door closes and another opens.
Scams to make you feel cool
Scams I almost fell for... and Manchester Who's Who
Reflections on the precariousness of life
Philosophical essay on life and death sparked by a family trip where a pigeon collided with the car and we had a flat tire.
Crazy World
Essay on the turmoil of our world today and the current trend of escalating hatred, nationalism and xenophobia.
Monty Hall Game
Example of the workings of the Monty Hall Game paradox.
Psychics and Statistics
What happens when a Carl Sagan fan meets with person with psychic ability.
The other end of life
An emotional editorial by Shawn Olson about old age originally printed in the Messenger.
CandleWatch - Rekindling the love for candlelight
CandleWatch is a new jar candle accessory that automatically extinguishes jar candles.
Columbus Messenger, Me and Unprofessional
The Columbus Messenger Newspapers and why I don't work there anymore.