Moments to Remember
Reflective story on important moments in life.
Webb Wedding Part I
The inside, behind-the-scenes story about the Webb wedding.
The Hermit Colony
Table of contents for the satirical story the Hermit Colony.
Hole in my Heel
The story of how I survived a wound that killed legendary Achilles.
It all begins on a bad day
Chapter 1 of The Hermit Colony, a satirical story about a man named Jeremiah Williams.
A Day at the Dentist
A weird and horrific story about a trip to the dentist gone wrong.
J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center turns 40
History of the J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center, a refuge for many children and teenagers in the Hilltop, a community on the West Side of Columbus, Ohio. Story from in the Columbus Messenger Newspapers for April 29, 2002 by staff writer Shawn Olson.
A Trip Down Hoopty Lane
An American Hoopty adventure to fix a van that turns into a car hater's nightmare.