Wallworm Website on DMOZ
DMOZ now lists the Wall Worm website on its directory.
Dealing with Readblock Character Limit in MAXScript
MAXScript function to circumvent the limitations in MemStream.ReadBlock() that has a character limit of 5120 characters.
Oracle Website Launched
Information on the Oracle subdomain.
March 7, 2006 Newsletter
March 7, 2006 Newsletter with details about the launch of GoodGuest, Ethan Olson Creative Arts, Etc.
Webonizer Content Management System Launches
My newest version of content management for artists, communities and small businesses is now available.
Philo Releases its First CD
Rock band Philo released their first album (Self Destructive in Dark) on December 1, 2007 at the Skully's Music Diner in Columbus.
Liquid 6teen Art
Graphics I designed for the rock band Liquid 6teen.
Bullet Jones at Skully's
Bullet Jones finished off the night for the Philo CD Release Party
The Cringe evolution is nigh
Cringe was in the studio on March 8, 2003 to prepare for the release of the new album.