Webb Wedding II
The exciting continuation of the dancing and balloons of the Webb wedding.
Mask of Rogue 7 - Chapter 5 - Ghosts and Static
Captain Jarolds finds clues that only deepen the mystery around the planet Jadus.
My Phantom Greed
Poem on selfishness disguised as faith and charity.
Who is she
A poem about a father who abandoned his daughter almost 30 years ago.
Void of Desire
A poem on shallow activities inspired by my participation in photographing rock concerts.
Google Page Rank Dilemma
A solution to the dilemma of a loss in page rank according to the Google Toolbar.
Bees and Flies
Photos of bees and flies. Also, interesting links.
CSDE_CAMPSIDE - Counter-Strike Map
Custom Counter-Strike map by Shawn Olson. Small, fast map using hybrid objective of bomb and hostage
March 18, 2005 Newsletter
March 18, 2005 Newsletter, including doctor who information.