Crazy Neighbor
A little story about a crazy neighbor.
My Experience at Westland High School
How an honor-roll student can lose heart and drop out
An overview of Shawn Olson's experience at Westland High School.
Quick Parent Link MAXScript
Pick a hierarchy a little faster
MAXScript function to quickly pick parent/child chains (hierarchies) of objects in 3ds Max. Works a little more efficiently than the native Select and Link function in 3ds Max.
Jack Buckingham Retires after 31 Years in SWCS
Jack Buckingham was one of my teachers at Westland High School. This is a short feature on Buck.
Evolution of a Shutterbug
Some tips on photography and an overview on my education with cameras.
Subjects in the Classroom and Life
A discussion on the utilitarian value of the subjects our schools teach. This editorial on education was one of the last pieces Shawn Olson printed as a Messenger writer.
Fuel Tank Safety Measures
An overview of the safety measures fuel distributors take to minimize accidental disasters.
Brian Atherton
An overview of the amazing Brian Atherton.