June 22, 2008 Newsletter
June 22, 2008 Newsletter with photos of Hayden, Harvestmen and a physics cartoon.
Super Bowl Sunday
Everyone knows that commercials are the best part of Super Bowl Sunday.
Reindeer Gossip
Reindeer discuss the latest Christmas gossip.
The Fox & the Dog
Even a dog can get played.
Blackbeard Defends Himself
After years of negative press, Blackbeard defends his past.
Erwin Schrödinger
A young Erwin Schrödinger tackles the age-old mystery of the refrigerator light.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Some people get excited about the simplest things. Like the glimpse of a woman's ankles.
Picking that special gift
Picking out the right gift for your sweetheart isn't always easy. But this dog came to the right place, as he learns that nothing says love like a side of ham.