"Leftover" Philly Cheese Steak
The Leftover Chef shows you what to do with leftover steak.
Max 2010 Particle Flow Presets
When you install 3D Studio Max 2010, it does not automatically install any Particle Flow Presets. They are available in the Samples DVD that ships with Max. Here is how to install them.
The Catheterized Cat
Cartoon about what can happen when you don't listen well.
MySQL Arbitrary Ordering
Order your results in any way you choose using the CASE clause
I Endorse This Message
Have you noticed that politicians no longer have ideas... but they sure endorse a lot of other peoples' messages.
Strauss Shader bug in Render To Texture
You cannot use a material using the Strauss Shader when trying to output to the diffuse map with Render To Texture in 3DS Max 2010.
Filter XML Data Based on Dates in ActionScript
You can filter your XML data based on dates in ActionScript to limit results in a component's data provider to one that is relevant to the given task.
Select Some Checkboxes JavaScript Function
A new javascript function that allows you to control checkboxes in groups via a control checkbox.