Erwin Schrödinger
A young Erwin Schrödinger tackles the age-old mystery of the refrigerator light.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Some people get excited about the simplest things. Like the glimpse of a woman's ankles.
Picking that special gift
Picking out the right gift for your sweetheart isn't always easy. But this dog came to the right place, as he learns that nothing says love like a side of ham.
June 15, 2009 Newsletter

Newsletter including the retirement of Jack Buckingham. Discussion on teachers.
Free World
The First Installment of Free World.
Jack Buckingham Retires after 31 Years in SWCS

Jack Buckingham was one of my teachers at Westland High School. This is a short feature on Buck.
Web Statistics
A brief introduction to understanding website statistics, including a discussion of visits, hits and other topics to be aware of.
Wild Mercy

Photos of a contemporary Celtic rock musicians Wild Mercy.