cs_interrogation custom Counter-Strike Map
cs_interrogation is a custom Counter-Strike 1.6 map set in an inner-city area.
De_Stonehenge Custom Counter-Strike Map

This small Counter-Strike 1.6 map is based off the Stonehenge theme.
Astrology As I See It

A skeptical essay on astrology.
Frost on Glass
Poem about staying positive when times are dark.
A Call for Reason
An essay rebutting infantile attitudes of the anti-science movement.
A World at War
Thoughts on the American War in Iraq.
How I Broke Three Trucks
A tale about my time working in a boiler repair shop.. and how I broke three different trucks.
Do Not Call - Seriously
When the Do Not Call registry went into effect, telemarketing should have listened.
IWA comes alive in Columbus
A feature on the International Wrestling Alliance in Columbus. Originally in the Messenger.
The Happy Worker
An essay on the coomon person's role in the workforce.