The black, white and red of the colorblind society
An essay noting the state of the civil rights movement in the wake of Rosa Park's death.
Undivided in a Divided Scene
Photos of Undivided at Newport plus interview.
Education in Debt
The assumption that a diploma means educated is not well founded.
Using an Object Id with JavaScript
Referencing objects in JavaScript using the ID attribute.
Rock Music IS Folk Art.
Essay tracing path of folk music to modern rock.
PHP Traits for Implementing Interfaces
PHP 5.4 introduced traits. Traits are in many ways like code-assisted copy and paste. They are ways to mix code into a class without inheritance. But what are they good for? When should they be used?
My failed faith
The evolution of Shawn Olson's views on faith, religion and ethics.
A Little About John Dalmas
A short overview of the life of my friend John Dalmas.
The Happy Worker
An essay on the coomon person's role in the workforce.
Houdini & Thurston
A short contrast of Howard Thurston and Harry Houdini
Comparing America magicians Harry Houdini and Howard Thurston.