Make JavaScript Math.random() useful
How to use the JavaScript Math.random function useful with round, ceiling, and floor.
The Cheating Mentality
Essay about cheating in online games, using hacks in multiplayer games.
The Value of Art
An essay on the value of art.
Winners on Wheels
A feature about disabled students involved with sports. Originally from the Westside Messenger.
Psychics and Statistics
What happens when a Carl Sagan fan meets with person with psychic ability.
Ambush Bugs
Photos of ambush bugs waiting for prey, posing oddly and eating bees.
Animal House
Our home is the animal house. A golden retriever, a cat, a chinchilla, fish and several children roam the hallways of the house. And others live outside.
Spiny Assassin Bug
Photos of a spiny assassin bug which I think is a wheel bug.
Education in Debt
The assumption that a diploma means educated is not well founded.
Society's sentiment towards evolution
People argue against evolution all the time when they've never read about it.