Scams to make you feel cool
Scams I almost fell for... and Manchester Who's Who
J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center turns 40
History of the J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center, a refuge for many children and teenagers in the Hilltop, a community on the West Side of Columbus, Ohio. Story from in the Columbus Messenger Newspapers for April 29, 2002 by staff writer Shawn Olson.
The Life of Clarence Himes
A biography of Clarence Himes by his grandson Shawn Olson.
Life and Death
Essays about life, old age and death.
The Cringe Phenomenon
Interview with Cringe that appeared in Now It's Dark Magazine.
Pet People
A Chalkboard column by Shawn Olson about regulars at a pet store.
June 15, 2009 Newsletter
Newsletter including the retirement of Jack Buckingham. Discussion on teachers.
The most important things
Putting human struggles and value into perspective.